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Sonoma Yoga, Hiking and Cycling Retreat
Healdsburg, California
April 14 -18th, 2024
Cost: $2400 but now $2250

$2000 for past Quester!

What to Expect at the Sonoma Wellness Yoga Retreat

Welcome to the fabulous Mind/Body getaway and a well-deserved reward to your senses in Sonoma Valley. Join Colleen Cannon, Gretchen Spiro, and Kristen Wheeler as we start our day with yoga, then have a wonderful breakfast before we head out on our journey for the day. Monday we will hike in the Armstrong redwoods followed by our wine education class, Tuesday we are E-Biking around the Russian River Valley and having our pic nic in Healdsburg square and Wednesday we will hike at the Bishops Ranch. We’ll also partake in Qigong, meditation,  and creative activities like Kristen’s Native Genius program each day for our Heart’s Desire process, to get you connected with your highest potential.

Kristen explains, “We all find ourselves caught in the MEGO (My Eyes Glaze Over) moments – those tasks that drain our energy and make us long for escape. But it doesn’t have to be that way!” ✨

She introduces: MELU: My Eyes Light Up! It’s that sweet spot where your work sparks joy, where your native genius shines through. You’re in the flow, things feel effortless, and you get to do this, not have to.

We’re on a mission to help you cultivate more “MY EYES LIGHT UP” in your life.

During our journaling sessions with Kristen, she will share tips for spotting MEGOs, reigniting your inner spark, and finding work that makes your heart sing.

This retreat is as much an adventure for your body as it is your soul, and both will be at their best during our 4 nights and  5 inspired days together. Join us for a healthy vacation that combines adventures of the body (road cycling with E-Bikes), hiking in the redwoods PLUS  adventures of the soul with yoga each morning and afternoon followed by guided journaling sessions with Kristen Wheeler. All athletic abilities are encouraged—come renew your spirit and reawaken your passion for life!

Electric bikes are now available and super fun!!!

Bike rentals are an additional fee. $105


  • Yoga classes twice a day- both active and restorative yoga
  • Functional movement (practices to mobilize and strengthen each joint of the body, along with balance and alignment activities.)
  • Qigong for vitality, agility, healing and longevity
  • Hiking in the Armstrong Redwoods
  • Cycling next to vineyards – with E-Bikes!
  • Wine Education class with sommelier Tracy Byrnes
  • Native Genius journaling with Kristen Wheeler every day
  • Guided insight meditation, journaling, art projects
  • Inspirational lectures from Gretchen, Kirsten and Colleen
Included in the price
  •  4 nights at the Bishop’s Ranch
  • Meals included: Sunday dinner to Thursday breakfast
  • Professional instruction and guidance, for all ability levels.

* Transportation and bike rentals are not included in the price. ($1200 additional price for single rooms-limited number of singles) 

*Lunch on Sunday arrival day will be in Healdsburg with a chance to walk around the square a bit – not included.

*All breakfasts and dinners and 3 lunches are included, Sunday lunch is on your own to explore Healdsburg